NEW! Download epic adventures.


A new series of
epic proportions!

Introducing The Almost Epic Squad — a new multi-author, middle-grade series about ordinary kids who develop some very unusual superpowers.

Can they harness their powers in time to save the world?



Mucus Mayhem
by Kevin Sylvester
9781443157797 (Hardcover), 9781443157803 (Ebook)

Jessica Flem has spent the better part of her life reacting allergically to everything — and much of it in her basement where she rules the online game Gang of Greats. She’s used to a nose that never stops running, but is not prepared for the mysterious power that shows up around her thirteenth birthday: the ability to transform her snot-filled tissues into slimy, magical helpers. And just in time, too!

It turns out there are forces both good and evil who have had their eyes on her and three other “special” kids who were exposed to a mysterious element called reidium. Jess must draw on her full video game knowledge to face the evil Boss and her equally evil henchwoman, Garvia Greep, in real life as they scheme to rule the world through the powers of reidium.

With her best friend, Cliff, at her side, and with the stakes ratcheting higher and higher, Jess and her arsenal of snot-filled tissues must make the world of Dimly, Manitoba, a safe place once again.

What Blows Up
by Ted Staunton
9781443157827 (Hardcover), 9781443157834 (Ebook)

Gary Lundborg’s growth spurt is messing up his coordination. So it’s not the best time to learn he can move objects with his mind . . . sort of. When he remembers to pay attention, that is.

Unknown to him, Gary is one of four kids exposed to a mysterious element at birth. Thirteen years later, the kids are developing weird powers they couldn’t ever imagine, or even want.

But someone does want those almost-epic powers and will stop at nothing to get them. It’s up to Gary, his sister, Kirsten, and his on-again, off-again power to save Dimly, Manitoba — and the world!

Super Sketchy
by Lesley Livingston
9781443157858 (Hardcover), 9781443157865 (Ebook)

Daisy Kildare wishes she could be talented at . . . well . . . anything. When she ends up at an elite art camp under unusual circumstances, she decides to try her hand at drawing. What could go wrong?

Unknown to her, Daisy is one of four kids exposed to a mysterious element at birth. Thirteen years later, the kids are developing weird powers they couldn’t ever imagine, or even want.

But someone does want those almost-epic powers and will stop at nothing to get them. It’s up to Daisy, her friend Kip, and her questionable drawing skills to stop Eeeeevil in its tracks!

by Richard Scrimger
9781443157889 (Hardcover), 9781443157896 (Ebook)

Archie O’Kaye mostly annoys people — except when he’s completely dazzling them. Either way, he’s not bothered. But why is everyone else acting so strange?

Unknown to him, Archie is one of four kids exposed to a mysterious element at birth. Thirteen years later, the kids are developing weird powers they couldn’t ever imagine, or even want. But someone does want those almost-epic powers, and it’s up to Archie and his trusted friend Dale to sidestep evil and maybe even save the world! For now . . .



kevin sylvester

is an award-winning writer, illustrator, reporter, radio sports host, producer and documentary maker. He writes and illustrates everything from murder mysteries and science fiction to books on sports and financial literacy. His books include the bestselling MiNRS and Neil Flambé series.


Personal superpower or previously unknown fact about you: I have the ability to take a puck off the head and STILL finish a hockey game. I’m also known to be able to make a last-second dinner from whatever smells reasonably edible in the fridge. If I can pretend to have a “real” one, maybe to instantly turn circles into cats and ice cream cones into dragons. Well, cat and dragon cartoons anyway.
ted staunton

is the author of over forty books for young people, a contributor to the popular Seven series, and a roots/blues musician. A busy and popular presenter at schools, libraries and conferences across Canada, Ted also teaches writing at George Brown College in Toronto. When not being bookish, he’s often playing music with the Maple Leaf Champions Jug Band.


Personal superpower or previously unknown fact about you: I have developed the uncanny ability to forget names and song lyrics instantly. And many other things, too, probably. I'm not sure because I can’t recall. Sorry, what were we talking about, whoever you are?
lesley livingston

is an award-winning author of teen fiction, including the Wondrous Strange trilogy and the Valiant series, now being developed for television. Before becoming a superstar author, Lesley was a principal performer in a Shakespearean theatre company for more than a decade.


Personal superpower or previously unknown fact about you: I have an involuntary ability to manipulate the timestream, which will one day wreak havoc with the space-time continuum itself! It is a scientifically verifiable fact that I can leave my house at multitudinous times of the day, with the intention of arriving at a particular destination at a particular time and, no matter HOW I adjust my departure moment to compensate for outside factors/variables/impediments/current wind speed, I will invariably arrive thirteen minutes AFTER my designated target time.
richard scrimger

has written more than twenty books for children and adults, including Zomboy and Downside Up, many of which have won or been nominated for major awards and been published internationally. He is also a contributor to the Seven series and is a popular presenter in schools.


Personal superpower or previously unknown fact about you: I once dropped a chocolate truffle on the head of the Jamaican prime minister, and did NOT get fired from my job at the restaurant. My maître d’ said, “If he hadn’t laughed, Scrimger, you were out on your ear.” My current superpower involves line selection. Put me in any supermarket and I will unerringly head for the slowest line, the one that allows you to check email, paint your nails, and do your taxes before it’s your turn . . .

the squad

Jessica Flem, Home: Dimly Manitoba, Power: Snot golems, Ability: Jess can make her radioactive boogers come to life to help her fight battles

Gary Lundborg, Home: Dimly Manitoba, Power: Telekinesis, Ability: Gary can move things with his mind if he can see them... and they're not too heavy.

Daisy Kildaire: Home: Vancouver BC, Power: Artistic Transmogrification, Ability: Daisy becomes what she draws. If only her art skills were better...

Archie O'Kaye, Home: Vancouver BC, Power: Charm, Ability: Archie is so magnetic no one can resist him...except when he isn't.



“Ever since you were a baby I knew you would
eventually show your powers. Powers that I will
soon employ to rule the world!

“But once we saw what you were capable of!
What reidium had done, how it
had transformed you into something
beautiful, strange and deadly…

“Then I knew we had to return for you.”

“Ever since you were a baby I knew you would eventually show your powers. Powers that I will soon employ to rule the world!

“But once we saw what you were capable of! What reidium had done, how it had transformed you into something beautiful, strange and deadly…

“Then I knew we had to return for you.”


Jessica Flem, Home: Dimly Manitoba, Power: Snot golems, Ability: Jess can make her radioactive boogers come to life to help her fight battles



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