Geronimo Stilton Spacemice #9: Slurp Monster Showdown | Scholastic Canada
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Geronimo Stilton Spacemice #9: Slurp Monster Showdown

By Geronimo Stilton   

Scholastic Inc | ISBN 9781338088571 Paperback
128 Pages | Ages 7 to 10

Scholastic Inc | ISBN 9781338088588 Ebook
128 Pages | Ages 7 to 10

Journey through outer space with your favourite mouse explorer!

Geronimo Stiltonix and the spacemice are visiting a planet where the most delicious wild mozzarella grows. Yum! But there’s an attack of the slurp monster — a scary alien who also loves mozzarella! Can the spacemice restore harmony between the monster and the other aliens of the planet without getting slurped up themselves?