My Invisible Boyfriend | Scholastic Canada
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My Invisible Boyfriend

My Invisible Boyfriend

By Susie Day   

Scholastic Inc | ISBN 9780545073547 Hardcover
288 Pages | 5.72" x 8.49" | Ages 13 to 18

Heidi has come up with the perfect solution to her popularity problems--a fake boyfriend. She's manufactured every detail about him, and even made him a real-life Internet profile that makes him look like a motorcycle-riding bad boy who reads poetry for fun. *Swoon* Heidi's friends are impressed. So impressed that they start e-mailing Heidi's fake boyfriend for advice about their own problems. Including their problems with, um--Heidi. And as if that isn't bad enough, a mysterious, rather delicious, and possibly single person who calls himself "A Real Boy" e-mails Heidi to say he knows the truth. Can Heidi escape from her (worldwide) web of lies before it's too late? Or will her chance at real friendship and romance disappear faster than you can type gtg?